Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Day 15 -more changes

Today has been a really effective day, I am really beginning to get somewhere. I had the coffee machine reset for tomorrow before I even left for work. I think I knew everything already through following flylady, I just didn't have the gumption (is that a word?) to just get on and do it. I have a load of washing sorted for tomorrow and as far as housework is going it feels good.

I did manage to get a load of school work done today, and tomorrow I am going to do as my AP task, marking some papers which I have been putting off for ages.

So I think it is time to keep up with the AP at home, but to also shift the focus to work... Let's see what the next few weeks bring.


  1. You're on a roll! Sounds like your Morning Routine is similar to mine:
    * check diary
    * clear away breakfast, run dishwasher
    * hang up washing (that I ran during the night)
    * set coffee machine for next morning
    * empty dishwasher
