Friday, 14 May 2010

Day 5 the domino effect

I am sat drinking a cup of Lady Grey tea and eating cake. Bliss! I don't feel rushed, despite going out in 20 minutes. This is the overspill of my new habit. Everything is done!

Diane agreed with my comment about the domino effect on Wednesday. This is something that I am seeing more and more. I am 5 days into my 'habit forming' and feel like a different person I hope that I can keep it up. Today I have seen my focus on anti-procrastination fall into my work-life.

I have a terrible habit of taking cups of tea/coffee to my classroom and office and then not dealing with them. So after school today I gathered up all 8 of them and with some boiling water (there was definitely a science project going on!) dealt with them. I have been meaning to do this for ages. -I'd got to the point where I was hiding them and only using one mug and washing it up before making a cuppa. (this is turning into a confessional!)

I also finished marking some exam papers which have been waiting for a month! That feels good.

After work I got a lot done before dinner and cleared up immediately afterwards. This is fantastic! So the weekend starts here, unfortunately tomorrow I need to get some work done but I'm hoping that with this new habit I will be more productive than normal and get to look after myself more. What a lovely outcome!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny about the mugs in the office - been there done that! (On a side note, if it ever gets really bad, take them home, along with the glass coffee pot, and stick them all the the dishwasher - sparkling!)

    Have a great weekend - just go ahead and enjoy it! ;D
